A perfect Star

Disponibilité: En stock (6)

Kendra, Ruth-Ann, and Megan are best friends who enjoy riding their ponies together. When Kendra receives and English saddle for her birthday, the girls start dreaming of flying over fences and hedges like the riders they’ve seen on TV and in jumping classes at horse shows. But Kendra discovers that her pony, Star, won’t jump over even the smallest obstacle. 

Together the three friends form the Ready to Ride Club (R2R) and begin taking riding lessons from Trish Klein. Trish knows a lot about horses and ponies, and a lot about people. For example, she knows no one is perfect. Another very important thing she knows is that God can always be trusted.

The first book in the Ready to Ride series will remind you that all people (and horses) are different in one way or another, but God has made all of them special. Sometimes we need to be patient with others and even with ourselves as we grow and learn and develop the gifts God has given us. 

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